Bonding with your newborn Nervous about how to bond with your new baby? Most mamas hit it off with their new babies right away. The tremendous need to bond with your new baby is triggered by an overwhelming emotion that makes you want to love and protect your newborn. For some mamas, this may require […]
5 Life Saving Items That Will Help Your Baby Sleep Better
Crucial Cosleeping Guidelines For You And Your Baby
While western culture discourages cosleeping, studies have shown that co-sleeping with a breastfeeding infant promotes bonding. Cosleeping can also regulate the mother’s and baby’s sleep patterns. It can play a role in helping you become more responsive to your baby’s cues and gives both you and baby much needed rest. The co-sleeping environment also assists […]
Why You Don’t Need a Bassinet And What Works Better!
During my pregnancy, I search the Internet high and low for the best thing to put my baby in to go to sleep at night. Finally, when the baby was in my arms and lo and behold he didn’t want anything to with sleeping anywhere but on my chest. ✅ What’s better than a bassinet? […]