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How to avoid pooping while giving birth
Of all the activities that a mother goes through while delivering that 5 to 8-pound person pooping is not what you would want.
You will be concentrating more on the being you are bringing to life that you won’t notice the mess.
After delivery and settling, this is when you might notice that it makes you a little uncomfortable.
To avoid pooping during delivery you can try these simple ideas:
Relieve yourself early

Some of the time you might be about to deliver but in the process you feel the urge to poop.
This may happen mostly depending on the diet that you are on.
If you eat the food that takes longer to be digested, this will kick in the urge.
When the urge comes, do ensure you go to the toilet to let it out. It will save you a lot as your track will be clear.
When pushing out the newborn baby, you will not let out poop.
It will also help you feel better that you will not poop yourself.
Eat easily digested food around your due date

Food is essential for any pregnant energy.
You always need healthy and nutrients rich food to help in the development of the baby and for your health as well.
You can try these foods:
- Yogurt from grass feed dairy.
- Banana, avocado, and apples.
- Whole grain toasts.
- An excellent gentle fruit smoothie.
- Honey.
Up your fluid & fiber intake

There are a lot of fluids like smoothies and several juices to take during this time.
Apart from it providing you with the right nutrients, it can be digested quickly and will not cause many problems.
The rich fiber food will ensure you have proper digestion.
That means after eating you can easily poop before giving birth to ensure you won’t poop in the delivery room.
Water is essential during this time!
It will help everything digest quickly and and let everything out before your ready to give birth.
Try suppositories

This is a drug that can be used to make you poop.
It is often given to the pregnant mother and placed through the Anus.
Once the drug is in your body, it dissolves and the action of pooping can kick in.
It works to enable you to get rid of the poop so that when in the delivery room you will not.
Do not stress
Even after pooping you can still poop on the delivery bed.
You use the same muscle in pushing the new baby out as for pooping.
It is a normal thing and most mothers experience it.
If you overthink about it, it may kick in constipation.
With constipation before going to the delivery room, it may make you poop while giving birth.
It is better to relax.
These are the few ways you can try not to poop while on the delivery table.
There is a saying “ shit happens” and if it does it is okay and you can move on!
The new baby will bring a lot of joy and if it happens, it’ll be worth it anyways once you see your little baby.
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