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As a mom, we all have this insurmountable pressure to be the best.
We look at our social media and instantly see these super cool moms that seem to have it all together.
They look calm and peaceful while we feel overwhelmed.
We put pressure on ourselves to be the perfect mom when all we really need to be is a calm mom.
Simple Steps to Become a Calm Mom
#1) Wake up earlier than your kids each morning.
I know it may seem a lot to ask if you’re already on limited sleep, but trust me, it works.
When you wake up earlier, you can give yourself time to reflect.
You’re able to focus on the silence of the morning while serenely enjoying your cup of coffee.
Have many times have you drank cold coffee because things became hectic in the morning?
Develop an amazing morning routine and schedule, here is something that helps many moms Make Over Their Mornings << Click here
This will also help you Streamline your morning tasks so that the biggest priorities are accomplished first, therefore relieving a ton of stress for the rest of the day to go smoothly.
#2) Write down your goals for the day.
Whether you work a full-time job or stay at home, write down goals for the day.
It’s a great way to gain control over what seems out of control.
Do you want to complete a load of laundry?
Do you want to make sure their homework is done by a certain time?
Write it all down and enjoy checking things off your list.
It will make you feel accomplished versus exhausted.
#3) Take time to read a good book.
When we have a moment to ourselves we tend to pick up our phone and aimlessly scroll through social media.
Then we realize we wasted valuable time and have to go right back to the grind of parenting.
Use the time to read a good book especially a genre that you enjoy.
The more we feel connected to ourselves, the calmer we will feel as parents. Don’t read anything that will frustrate you or put you in a stressful place.
#4) Don’t react to every situation that happens.
Okay, so your kid spilled his juice for the fifth time today.
It happens and exploding won’t make the mess go away. It will only get you more upset and frustrated.
There are going to be moments in your day that will make you want to scream.
You need to realize that you are in control of your emotions and reactions.
Take a second to leave the situation, breathe and go back.
It will save you from overreacting.
#5) Meditate or pray.
Being a calm mom takes practice and the best way to realign yourself is by meditating or praying.
Take a few minutes to sit with yourself in silence.
Remember that mom life is a part of your identity, not the whole picture.
Being a mom is the best job you will ever be blessed with, but you are also a woman. You have needs, desires, and goals that should be honored.
#6) Laugh with friends.
It’s easy to forget that we still need to nourish our friendships and laugh.
Make it a priority to schedule a lunch date or chat on the phone with your friends.
It helps to talk to people who truly know the real you.
Afterward, you will feel lighter and ready to handle whatever may come your way.
#7) Pamper yourself.
Get a manicure, pedicure, facial, and massage.
Many moms feel that they are no longer worth the time and money once they have children. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.
You still matter and taking good care of yourself is important for your children.
You are their role model and when you demonstrate self-care, you’re teaching them that it is important to love themselves.
#8) Let go of the pressure to be perfect.
No one is a perfect mom. No one has it all figured out.
Everyone is trying to manage each day and do the best that they can for their children.
Once you realize that your parenting style is unique to your situation, you will instantly feel calmer.
We often compare ourselves to other moms and think that we should be doing things like they do.
Remember, even the moms who you think have it all figured out, have moments when they feel out of control.
Take the pressure off and do what is best for your family.
If you enjoyed this article and found it helpful please share it with a mom friend who will benefit from it as well!
Mornings are the first step to keeping it together as a mom and staying calm throughout the rest of your day.
Click here to Make Over Your Morning, so you can Find time to refuel your tank and make space in your day for things you love.