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It’s October and Halloween is right around the corner. That means for you and your little one it’s time to prepare for trick-or-treating.
Many older parents will tell you about how great trick-or-treating is, but if you’re a new parent what do you do?
How do you prepare your precious pumpkin for both the thrills and chills, of Halloween?
Don’t worry, we’re here to help you so both you and your little one can have a fantastic and happy Halloween!
Is your baby still a newborn? Read this: How to survive trick or treating with a newborn!

Pick the right costume and dress appropriately
By now your toddler has a group of characters they like and dressing up like them will be a thrill (assuming they don’t dress up like them every day).
When costume shopping ask any store employees if your child can try on the costume. A costume too loose, too tight, or just not right can easily ruin a fun outing.
Let your toddler wear their costume a few hours before trick-or-treating to get a full feel of moving in it.
If something isn’t sitting right with them, it’s OK to remove it. It’s perfectly fine for your toddler to be dressed as Superman with just the shirt and cape while wearing their favorite pair of jeans and sneakers.
If it’s cold out, or too hot, adjust their costume for the weather. In warmer weather not letting your toddle dress fully in their costume will help them not heat up on your trek. If it’s too cold long underwear will help them fight off the cold.
Prepare for spooks, or just skip them

Halloween is fun, but some times your toddler might find some costumes just too scary.
It’s OK to talk to your toddler and tell them that there will be some spooky looking places and people abound, but they shouldn’t fear. You’re by their side.
Explain that everyone they see is not a real monster or witch, but people in costumes just like them. Those houses with the giant spiders don’t actually have giant spiders, it’s just decorations.
However, ever toddler will come across a house or costume that’s too scary for them. If this is the case, don’t feel too bad skipping a house or bypassing a group of kids if your toddler feels uncomfortable.
Don’t go far
You might remember as a kid that you could hit every single house in your neighborhood and the next two over!
Despite how positive your toddler is about being able to do what mom and dad did when they were small, it’s important to set limits on how far you go.
At the start of trick-or-treating, aim for two or three blocks that have familiar neighbors.
After hitting these houses, if your toddler is still eager to go, try one more block. At most five blocks will be more than enough and if your toddler is becoming cranky it’s OK to call it quits.
On the issue of candy

Before going out trick-or-treating, make sure to prepare a full meal for both you and your little ones.
This will not only provide energy for your nighttime trek but keep them full, so they don’t go digging in their candy baskets.
Always limit how much candy they can eat and before they eat any, go over it to ensure that nothing is “off” about it.
If the candy is unwrapped, or something doesn’t feel right, throw it away.
Halloween with a toddler isn’t a chore and can be really fun for you and your tot!
With a little patience and a lot of preparations, you and your toddler can have the best Halloween yet!