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It happened! My sons first tooth is LOOSE and I have been waiting for this ever since he was 5! He’s 7 1/2 now and I was starting to get worried.
This morning after eating his breakfast he gasped a big gasp, ran over and yelled I HAVE A LOOSE TOOTH!
So obviously now I’m on the internet trying to get the best tooth fairy ideas I can think of for when he actually loses it!
This post is for any parent who’s child has their first loose tooth, or if your child just lost their loose tooth and you need a quick tooth fairy idea tonight! I got you covered here…

1. Tooth fairy receipt

This is a great idea for any child who has lost their first tooth. For those kids who struggle brushing their teeth every day this can be a motivational tactic to put into practice.
2. Magic tooth fairy dust
You can use magical to the fairy dust on the counters or in the bed to make it look like the tooth fairy has been there. Even though it’s probably a pain to clean up afterwards nothing beats the look on your child’s face in the morning.
3. Tooth fairy kit
I think this idea is adorable for any boy or a girl who has lost their first or 10th tooth. The cute bedroom door signs make it fun and interesting for your child.
4. Tooth fairy pillow
If you’re not trying to put your child’s tooth under the pillow where they sleep, then this is a good solution for you. If your child is a toss and turn her throughout the night you can use this idea to keep the tooth in a secure spot so the tooth fairy can do her thing.
5. Free tooth fairy certificate
Nothing beats a free printable for a last minute tooth fairy idea. Grab this one and fill it out for your child tonight.
6. Cute tooth fairy door
This idea may take a little more time so I’d suggest making this before you child loses their tooth. but come on now, how a-door-able is this tooth fairy door!! Knock knock…
7. Glitter money from the tooth fairy
Always a good classic we bring out the glitter money idea of course! This is one of the first things I thought of when thinking about tooth fairy ideas for my son. I’m so going to the store to grab me some glitter spray because this is happening.
8. A letter from the tooth fairy
You can find some cute tooth fairy letters on Etsy to have handy (most of them are instant downloads) as a last minute go to.
9. Tiny tooth fairy letter
These tiny tooth fairy letters are seriously the cutest thing ever. Tiny letters for a tiny fairy.
10. Instant download tooth fairy receipt
The tooth fairy collection department is seriously genius. Whoever came up with this deserves an award. I feel like this will be one I do too!
Wrapping up
I believe these to be my top picks for tooth fairy ideas and i hope you found some fun ideas in this list as well!
I can’t wait to use some of these on my son, I really think he will get a kick out of them.
If you tried any of these tooth fairy ideas I’d love for you to pin this picture below and use the “tried it” section to add a picture of your creations so I can see them!