What to Eat to Lose the Baby Weight and Keep Milk Supply Up

How to lose weight while breastfeeding without affecting milk supply

I am sure all new moms out (feeding their children) want to lose their pregnancy weight without producing a negative impact on their milk supply.

Various tips and tricks are available all over the internet telling you how to lose weight.

Breastfeeding for the first time doesn’t have to be daunting or frustrating, you can learn anything and everything you need to know with this super affordable online breastfeeding class by Milkology here.

What to Eat to Lose the Baby Weight and Keep Milk Supply Up. Breastfeeding and pumping tips | Postpartum weight loss tips. #weightloss #breastfeeding #habitatformom

However, you must remember that in the process of losing pregnancy weight you need to keep the following points in mind in order to maintain your milk supply…

  • According to Kelly Bonyata, after 2 months of giving birth to a baby, mums can start light exercising in order to shed those extra pounds and to retain their pre-pregnancy figure.

The most important aspect you need to remember is that in order to lose baby weight they need to eat very healthy having foods from all the food groups in order to get through their day.

Eating food that is low in calories and the nutritional count will make lactating mothers feel drowsy, lethargic and tired all throughout the day. 

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Following are some of the tips that can help you lose your baby weight and keep your milk supply up:

  • Eat foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids as these are an excellent source of energy. Further, foods rich in Omega-3s are known to fight depression and anxiety, common in mothers with newborn babies. According to Healthline, eating foods rich in Omega-3s is very important for lactating mothers as it helps promote brain growth and development in infants.
  • It is extremely important for you to avoid stress and get as much sleep as you can. Stress is related to weight gain, the more you are anxious and the more time you spend worried over little things such as the crying of your baby or the baby not sleeping enough, the more there are chances that you will end up gaining weight rather than losing it. Likewise, it is very important for lactating mothers to get enough sleep; a good night’s sleep will make you less anxious and tired and as a result, will help them in their weight loss journey.
  • The diet of a lactating mother should contain all the foods for the five main food groups: vegetables, fruit, grain, meats and poultry and the milk group. By taking healthy portions from each of the five food groups a lactating mother can ensure that her energy level remains steady throughout the day and that her body will have a regular supply of nutrients and vitamins needed to make milk.

If you found this information helpful and want to learn even more. I absolutely love this popular online course called the Ultimate Breastfeeding Class by Milkology. It has everything you need to know about latching and positioning, mastering and protecting your milk supply, troubleshooting common breastfeeding issues and so much more…

Stacey (the instructor) is a certified lactation educator and has taught lactation to thousands of women all over the world. Click here to check out the Ultimate Breastfeeding Class for yourself.

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What to Eat to Lose the Baby Weight and Keep Milk Supply Up