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Pregnancy is an exciting time for any mom to be’s life. There is a little human growing inside of you!
Now, you may be inclined to eat everything under the sun.
Girl, put the fork down because eating for two is just a myth…
Related: 6 super important things I wish I did in the beginning of my pregnancy
We want to eat healthily and think more about what we put into our bodies at this time in our life.
Hello! My name is Jennifer 😊. I am a mommy to one handsome little man and while I was pregnant and working a full-time job, I had to keep close attention to my diet and what I was eating.
I just honestly wanted to be cautious and NOT potentially create problems for myself or my unborn baby.
I WISH I had something like this pregnancy cookbook during my pregnancy. It would have given me great confidence knowing the food I am putting in my body was nutritious and GOOD for me especially during pregnancy... Learn more about how to make better food choices during pregnancy here.
So today I am going to talk to you about what NOT to eat during pregnancy.
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You may have cravings for foods you should be avoiding and I am here to let you know what those foods are so you do not risk any complications with your pregnancy.
Foods to avoid during pregnancy
#1) Deli Meats

You should avoid deli meats, also called ready-to-eat meats, such as sandwich meat, cold cuts, lunch meat, hot dogs, and sliced meats.
They are known to contain listeria bacteria, which can readily move from the mother to placenta causing serious complications including fetal death. (source)
#2) Raw or partially cooked eggs

Make sure that eggs are thoroughly cooked until the whites and yolks are solid.
This prevents the risk of salmonella food poisoning. Avoid foods that contain raw and undercooked eggs, such as homemade mayonnaise.
If you wish to have dishes that contain raw or partially cooked eggs you should consider using pasteurized liquid egg. (source)
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#3) Raw sprouts

The FDA advises everyone, pregnant or not, to avoid raw sprouts because they are almost certainly contaminated with bacteria. (News to me!)
Raw sprouts to avoid during pregnancy include broccoli, snow pea, sunflower, alfalfa, clover, radish, mung bean, and pretty much any other type of raw sprout.
Cooked sprouts, however, are safe to eat. (source)
#4) Unwashed fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a big part of the perfect pregnancy diet.
Sure, you might be craving a hot fudge sundae—who wouldn’t—but that apple or carrot is better for you and better for the baby.
We recommend that you wash all the fruits and vegetables you choose to eat.
When you wash your fruits and vegetables, you reduce the risk that you’ll be exposed to the parasite toxoplasmosis that can be found in the soil where these foods are grown. (source)
#5) Seafood with high mercury

Fish is a great source of protein and some contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which can be beneficial for your baby’s eye and brain development.
But some other fish may contain dangerous levels of mercury that can affect your baby’s health.
Mercury is an overall contaminant that can be present in seas and even air; it is toxic to the human brain, liver, and kidneys, especially to small children and fetuses.
The bigger and older the fish, the more likely that it’s contaminated with mercury. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages pregnant women to avoid swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish.
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, pregnant women may safely eat other fish as long as they don’t exceed two average meals per week. (source)
#6) Soft or mold-ripened cheeses and raw milk and cheese

You don’t have to give up all cheese while pregnant, but some have to go.
Recommended read: Soft cheeses that are safe to eat during pregnancy (and the ones you shouldn’t)
Think brie, chevre, and blue – along with the other tempting array of cheeses in the gourmet deli case. You’ll also need to ditch other unpasteurized products such as raw milk and apple cider.
Why? Again, listeria is a risk. Listeria may not cause problems in someone who isn’t pregnant, says Clin.
“But women who are pregnant are at an increased risk – and it’ll usually affect the baby to some degree.”
Sometimes listeria symptoms go unknown in pregnant women, so problems may not be detected until the birth of the baby. (source)
#7) Raw Shellfish

The majority of seafood-borne illness is caused by undercooked shellfish, which include oysters, clams, and mussels.
Cooking helps prevent some types of infection, but it does not prevent the algae-related infections that are associated with red tides.
Raw shellfish pose a concern for everybody, and they should be avoided altogether during pregnancy. (source)

✅ Don’t forget to head over to this cute little recipe book by Mommy Labor Nurse (and a pro chef) to easily help with your food choices during pregnancy.
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Good to know thanks!
Thank you. Very helpful
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