Being a new mommy comes with many blessings and unexpected schedule changes. What was once a no brainer now has to be planned. Everything from when to shower to sleeping changes with a newborn. It can be overwhelming at first, but with a morning routine, you can make this an amazing new journey between you […]
7 Things You Should Never Do in Your First Trimester of Pregnancy
Many women are carried away by the first signs of their pregnancy, especially if it’s their first time. It is crucial to have the right information to eliminate the myths and misconception that surrounds the pregnancy, especially for the first time mothers. Hello! My name is Jennifer. 🙂 I am a mama to one beautiful […]
What to Expect With a Newborn Baby, the First 48 Hrs
Finally, you met the long waited for bouncing baby, but you don’t know what to expect with your newborn immediately after delivery up to the 48th hour. You have been concentrating on your health, labor, and delivery so you didn’t mind about your body as well as your first newborn behavior. Looking for a simple […]
Do These 8 Simple Things to Become a Calm Mom
As a mom, we all have this insurmountable pressure to be the best. We look at our social media and instantly see these super cool moms that seem to have it all together. They look calm and peaceful while we feel overwhelmed. We put pressure on ourselves to be the perfect mom when all we […]
How to Plan A Baby Shower Step by Step Guide
What comes to mind after hearing the four magical words, We are having a baby?! A baby shower, of course. Readers love: 6 things I wish I did in the beginning of pregnancy Organizing a party with your expectant parents’ friends and family members is the perfect way of expressing congratulations… Aimed at further boosting the […]