10 Easy Ways To Prepare for Postpartum While You Are Still Pregnant

How to prepare for postpartum before your due date There is probably not a time in a woman’s life that is so joyful and nerve-wracking at the same time than those weeks just before giving birth, except possibly those weeks just after giving birth! Truly, those first weeks at home with your baby are sure […]

8 Wise Tips On How To Prepare Financially For Maternity Leave

For most mothers, getting pregnant is a dream-come-true. However, preparing yourself for the baby can be a stressful and demanding task. The task becomes tougher if you are on a budget. Remember that buying all the necessities is already a huge expense. According to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), qualified employees are given […]

$680 Worth of FREE Stuff for Expectant Moms and Baby

Hello! My name is Jennifer. I am a proud mom to one beautiful little boy and am dedicated to helping women like you live your best mom life! I find solutions for YOU and share them everyday here on this blog… (like the super helpful FREE beginning prenatal birth class all of my mamas are […]

Preparing for Baby Checklist, 31 Major Things To Do

Are you struggling to get things done before your due date? Did you know only 5% of women actually deliver on their due date?! This means that your baby may very well come early, so preparing sooner than later is a very good idea. Most new and expectant moms are overwhelmed when it comes to […]