21 Summer Sensory Activities for Babies and Toddlers

It is that time of year again where the sunshine wills the air and everyone it outside soaking it up.

Sensory activities are perfect for babies and toddlers because it stimulates their mind and body and promotes the development they for school and life in general.

As a preschool teacher of 10+ years I have been working with newborns, toddlers, and preschoolers from 0-5 years of age through sensory activities of all kinds.

Today I am going to show you the best sensory activities for babies and toddlers during the summer time.

Summer activities are awesome to do outside on a hot summer day or inside during rainy times of the day, depending on the mess level of the activity, its up to you to find the right activity for the occasion. I am here to help you choose…

Click on the pictures to find the source.

Recommended read: Summer Charts to help with kids that are bored

Sensory play with flowers

Sensory ice cream station


Animal washing sensory activity

Ice skating bears


Water play using recycled materials

Frozen sidewalk chalk painting


Soap foam kitchen sensory bin

Jell-O sensory bin for babies

Frog sensory bin

Ocean moon dough sensory play

Bubble foam sensory play

Watermelon sensory play

Gardening sensory bin

Kinetic sand slime

Ice cream scooping

Rainbow ice blocks

Ocean bag sensory play

Edible ice cream play dough

Baby sensory play with fruit

Read: 30+ yummy summer popsicle recipes to cool off with

Ice cream hair gel sensory bag

Seashell sensory bin

I you found any of these sensory activities fun and helpful share it with other moms this summer!