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Hello! My name is Jennifer. I am a mama to one beautiful little boy and am dedicated to helping women like you during their first trimester of pregnancy and beyond.
I find solutions for YOU and share them everyday here on this blog… (like this super helpful pregnancy journal and planner my readers are loving)
Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Now what?
You may be wondering what to do now and scouring the Internet for information and advice, well the best jampacked information on the Internet is through infographics that you can easily save to Pinterest.
Let’s say you want to make a Pinterest board called pregnancy tips, then you can take all of these easy to comprehend infographics and pin them straight to that board!
It’s easy and convenient and acts as a nice reminder of things you need to know along the way through every trimester and postpartum.
These informative and easy to read infographics range from baby prep ideas, pregnancy milestones, breastfeeding advice and more.
If you are pregnant these are the things you should be saving to your Pinterest account.
More pregnancy content I know you’ll love:
21+ Pregnancy Hacks to Make Life Easier for First-Time Moms
What I Wish I Did in My 1st Trimester of Pregnancy (now I know better)
Oh Baby Pregnancy Planner for Mom to Be
Sign Up for a FREE Baby Registry That Has All The Perks and Benefits
My favorite baby registry (based on solid research) is the Amazon baby registry, mostly because its super convenient for the time we are living in. You can easily sign up for FREE by clicking here and the best part is you get a FREE welcome box too!
You can just shoot your Amazon baby registry link over to everyone you know through text messaging, email, facebook messenger, instagram messenger, twitter, you get it…
They also have many more perks and benefits I found out about while doing all the researching, you can read my post about it here.
37 Charts Every Pregnant Women Should Save to Pinterest
#1. Pregnancy Dos and Don’ts
#2. What to Avoid During Pregnancy
#3. Pregnancy Month by Month
#4. First Trimester Checklist
#5. First Trimester Prenatal Fitness Tips
#6. Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week
#7. Foods to Fight Morning Sickness
#8. Pregnant Belly Size Chart and Shape
#9. Pregnancy Safe Snacks
#10. Week by Week Guide to Pregnancy
#11. Pregnancy Books to Read
#12. Your Guide to Staying Active During Pregnancy
#14. How Big is Baby This Week? Chart
#15. Staying Active During Pregnancy Chart
#17. Week by Week Pregnancy Guide Chart
#19. Pregnancy and Back Pain Info
#21. Pregnancy Nutrition Chart
#22. Pregnancy Bucket List
#23. Medication Allowed During Pregnancy Chart
#24. 18 Home Remedies for Constipation During Pregnancy
#25. Best Pregnancy Apps for New and Experiences Moms
#26. Healthy Pregnancy Snacks Chart
#27. Earliest and Weirdest Signs of Pregnancy
#28. Why You Need to Drink More Water During Pregnancy Info
#29. Complete Hospital Bag Checklist
#30. Another Hospital Bag Checklist
#31. What to Pack for a Natural Birth
#32. Natural Ways to Prepare your Body for Birth
#33. Breathing During Labor Chart
#34. Labor Positions Chart
#35. New Mom, Now What? Info Chart
#36. Postpartum Must Haves for Vaginal Healing
Mastering the Breastfeeding Latch
If you would like to keep up with future posts from HabitatforMom, I do have a Facebook page and Pinterest account that you can follow.
Every time I post something I immediately share it to the Facebook page, click here to like the Habitat for Mom Facebook page and follow.
If you found me on Pinterest you can follow me by clicking here as well. – You will see brand new pins and ideas every single day!
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