What Not to Do After Giving Birth

Restrictions after giving birth

Congratulations on the new bundle of joy mama! If you’re here before or after your baby arrives, let’s see what we should NOT be doing after baby is born.

Disclaimer: Talk to your dr. about these activities in detail and follow up to see when it’s OK to start doing some of these things over time as you recover from giving birth.

The puerperium is the six weeks following delivery, the time it takes for the body to return to normal. It is not an easy period, as many changes take place.

Each woman needs a different time to recover, so it is not good to force the body.

Related: 6 things I wish I did in my first trimester of pregnancy

Here is what not to do after giving birth:

Don’t stop taking prenatal vitamins

During the lactation period, your body will need more nutrients, and a balanced diet won’t be enough.

These vitamins also work as postnatal vitamins, and they guarantee to cover the daily requirements that you and your baby need.

Make sure the supplement you take includes folic acid, iron, vitamin D, fish oil, and calcium, like this one.

Don’t give up breastfeeding

For no reason, stop doing it.

Even if you have more pain in your breasts because of the secretion of milk, breastfeed your baby, remember how important and healthy it is to establish this bond between mother and child.

If you need more help with breastfeeding this online class is perfect to help with any problems, tips, and techniques.

There is a belief that after a cesarean section, you shouldn’t breastfeed due to the use of drugs and anesthesia.

That is totally false!

Read: Milkology Breastfeeding Class Review (The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class)

Don’t wear tight clothing

Although we like it very much, we know that tight clothing causes damage to the body; how much more after birth.

Tight clothing causes more gas than usual, produces constipation.

And if you had a cesarean or episiotomy, you should skip it during your postpartum or recovery period.

Don’t have sex

It’s a mistake to believe that you can do it.

It’s advisable to wait 40 days to resume sexual relations. I know, boohoo 🙁

Withdrawal is even more justified if there are scars in the perineum due to an episiotomy or tears in childbirth: coitus could delay healing and even cause infections.

Before restarting your sexual activity, visit your doctor to verify that everything is fine.

Don’t exercise

Depending on your unique physical conditions, the body more or less quickly overcomes delivery.

However, it is recommended that you wait between one or two months and that the perineal reeducation has finished before resuming physical activity.

If you have had a cesarean or an episiotomy, you will need to be more patient.

Don’t push yourself while you poop

Constipation during postpartum occurs due to various physiological and psychological factors that impede the normal functioning of intestinal transit.

You must be patient and consume high fiber foods and drink plenty of water.

It is not advisable to strain while you poop, because these could cause inflammation problems and would put excessive tension on the episiotomy if it is the case.

Read: Postpartum essentials for new moms

Don’t go swimming or take a bath

Although you can shower a few hours after delivery, what you shouldn’t do is baths in bathtubs, much less go swimming in pools because you are at risk of infections.

Read: Postpartum sitz bath (how to make one and how to take one)

Don’t use tampons

You shouldn’t use tampons because they can dry the vagina, damage its walls when you take them out and alter the vaginal flora.

They are a possible source of vaginal infections that must be avoided during the postpartum period, although later when menstruation returns, you can use them again without significant problems.

Don’t go on a diet to lose weight

It is normal that after childbirth, you want to recover as soon as possible and lose those extra kilos that the pregnancy has left you to feel attractive again.

But now you must have a healthy and balanced diet, without resorting to diets that do not provide you with all the nutrients you need.

You should pay special attention to hydration as you are breastfeeding.

Read: How to eat healthy for postpartum recovery

Don’t lift heavy objects

The pelvic floor, at this time, is weakened and may be harmed. Besides, if you have had a cesarean section or an episiotomy, lifting weights can result in injury to the pelvic floor or other stomach muscles, which will delay recovery.

Don’t ignore postpartum depression signs

It is typical to experience times of sadness, vulnerability, and distress.

In addition to the fatigue and hormonal decline that occurs after childbirth, there is also anxiety and stress due to the changes and adaptation process in this new stage.

This inexplicable sadness is usually transitory, but if it is accentuated and limits your development and enjoyment of your new stage, it is advisable to seek specialized help.

Read: 200 Self care ideas for stressed out new mamas

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What Not to Do After Giving Birth